Welcome to the Organic Uttarakhand Himalaya foods store. Here you can purchase food products that are 100% natural and healthy for you. These are tasty as well as some are used for making Ayurvedic medicine also. We are giving you the opportunity to order Organic Uttarakhand food products online and you will receive these on your doorstep. Here you can find recipes and remedies for our all available products.
Why Uttarakhand foods are better than others?
Some of the same products you can buy from your nearest shop also. But we are different from others because:
- Our products yield only in high rises areas of Uttarakhand (Himalaya).
- Our products are natural because in the Himalayan area we don’t use any chemicals or pesticides to produce products. We use only natural compost.
- Our dal and every product are different from other company’s products in taste and quality because of the Himalayan climate.
We will deliver our products direct from Munsiyari, Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand only.
So try our product one time at least. You will like this 100%. Otherwise, we will give you a full refund without any questions.
Pahari Dal
Gahat Dal (black 500gm) ORGANIC ✅
100% Natural and Organic Gahat Dal. It is widely known for its curative properties of treating gall bladder stones, kidney stones and maintaining renal health. No any chemical or pesticide, sourced mainly from the high rises of Uttarakhand.
Pahari Dal
Pahadi Mix Dal (500gm) BUY NOW
Pahadi Mix Dal, made from a variety of pulses and beans like rajma (kidney beans), lobia (black-eyed peas), Bhatt (black soybean), gehat (horse gram), and Tauranga, embodies the essence of Baranaja. It’s a nutritional powerhouse, offering a rich source of plant-based protein, dietary fiber, and essential nutrients. Consuming Mix Dal can help reduce cholesterol levels, maintain digestive health, and provide a sustained energy boost.
Organic, Natural, and Healthy dal from Uttarakhand Munsiyari.
Pahari Dal
Pahadi Sabut Urad Dal (500gm) BUY NOW
Pahadi Sabut Urad Dal, also known as black gram or black lentil, is a staple in many Indian households, particularly in the northern regions of India, including Uttarakhand. This nutritious legume is celebrated for its rich flavor, creamy texture, and numerous health benefits.
Pahari Dal
Pahari Masoor Dal (500gm) ORGANIC ✅
100% Natural and Organic Masoor Dal Protects Your Heart, Improves Digestion, Boosts Immunity, Effective for Weight Loss, Effective for Diabetic Patients, Prevents Rapid Aging, High Protein Content, Reduces Risk of Cancer, Strengthens Bones and Teeth, No any chemical or pesticide, sourced mainly from the high rises of Uttarakhand.
SKU: n/a -
Foodgrains & Oils
Madua Atta (500gm) ORGANIC
100% Natural and Organic Madwa Atta with high protein, controls diabetes, anti-cancer potential. Also known as Madua, Marua, Madwa, Mandwa, मडुआ ka atta.
Keeps you young, reduces “bad” cholesterol, and prevents cardiovascular disease. No chemical or pesticide, sourced mainly from the high rises of Uttarakhand.
Pahadi Gandrain गंद्रैण (50gm) ORGANIC | From Uttarakhand
गंद्रैण एक हिमालयन औसधि है जो की खाने मैं डाली जाती है | यह उत्तराखंड मैं ख़ास कर गहत व अन्य दालों मैं डाली जाती है | गहत की दाल गुणकारी होने के साथ पेट के लिए भारी होती है पर गंद्रैण डालने से यह उसके भारीपन को ख़तम कर देता है | दाल मैं गंद्रैण डालने से उसका स्वाद तो बढ़ता ही है साथ मैं यह पेट के लिए बहुत उपयोगी साबित होता है |
अगर आपको पेट मैं दर्द है तो आप सीधे थोड़ा सा गंद्रैण पानी के साथ ले सकते हैं और यह तुरंत असर करना सुरु कर देता है | और साथ साथ हिमालियन आयुर्वेदिक औसधि होने के कारण लाभकारी सिद्ध होता है |
इसकी भी थोड़ी सी मात्रा काफी होती है | यह काफी लम्बे समय तक खराब नहीं होता है | कई सालो तक आप इसका प्रयोग कर सकते हैं |SKU: n/a -
Pahari tej patta (100gm) ORGANIC
Bay leaf, most commonly known as “Tej patta” in Hindi, ‘Masala Aku‘ in Telugu, ‘Birinji Ilai‘ in Tamil, ‘Karuvaela‘ in Malayalam, ‘Paththa‘ in Kannada, ‘Tej Patha‘ in Bengali, ‘Tamal Patr‘ in Gujarati, ‘Tamal Patra‘ in Marathi, ‘Tezpatta‘ in Punjabi. Bay leaf is an aromatic leaf from the evergreen bay laurel tree, native to the Mediterranean. It is most widely used in cooking and preparing perfumes. The Indian bay leaf is basically a three veined leaf which is elliptical, pointed, smooth and tough.
SKU: n/a -
Pahadi जम्बू, jamboo, jambu, Baby Onion Leafs (50gm) ORGANIC
जम्मू हिमालयन बूटी है जिसे पहाड़ी इलाको में ख़ास तड़के के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है | This is also called jamboo, jambu, faran or baby online leaf.
यह प्रजाति ख़ास हिमालय मैं पायी जाती है जिसकी वजह से इसके स्वाद व खूसबू मैं काफी फर्क होता है | अगर आप खाने मैं तड़के के रूप मैं इसका उपयोग निरंतर करते हैं तो आप को पेट मैं होने वाली गैस, अपच व कई बीमारियोँ से छुटकारा मिल जायेगा |
इसकी थोड़ी सी मात्रा ही काफी होती है | यह कई समय तक ख़राब नहीं होता है | आप सालो तक भी इस का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं |SKU: n/a
Out Of StockPahari Vegetable, Bulb and Stem
Pahari Gaderi (500gm) ORGANIC
Pahari Gaderi looks like arbi. But this is not arbi. The size of gaderi is bigger than the arbi. And the taste is also very different from arbi. BUY ONLINE HERE.
You can make gaderi ki sabji and gaderi you can use in your any dal. This will improve your dal taste. And gaderi is very good for health.
You can order this but we will send it to you in season time November to March.
SKU: n/a -
Pahari Vegetable, Bulb and Stem
Pahari Garlic, Lahsun (500gm) ORGANIC
100% Natural and Organic Garlic. No any chemical or pesticide, sourced mainly from the high rises of Uttarakhand. Garlic has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and some startling claims mention that it may help prevent some forms of cancer too.
SKU: n/a -
Pahari Vegetable, Bulb and Stem
Pahari kachi haldi (500gm) ORGANIC ✅
Organic Pahari kachi haldi ( turmeric ) scent is very different from other location kachi haldi. Kachi haldi roots season time is December to February only. Other time we can give dry haldi roots. These dry haldi roots we make from our Pahari kachi haldi only. 100% natural, organic and healthy.
SKU: n/a
Pickles, Chutney & Namak
Pahadi Himalayan Hing (20gm) BUY NOW
Pahadi Hing (Asafoetida) from the Himalayan region is a distinctive spice known for its strong aroma and pungent flavor. It’s traditionally used in Indian cuisine to enhance the taste of various dishes and is also valued for its medicinal properties, including aiding digestion and reducing bloating.
SKU: HING0121 -
Pickles, Chutney & Namak
Pahadi Mix Pisa Namak 100gm
No chemicals or pesticides. This Organic Pahadi Mix Pisa Namak ( पिस्यु लूण ) is sourced mainly from the high rises of Uttarakhand. सीधा उत्तराखंड मुनस्यारी से डिलीवरी. पहाड़ी नमक का स्वाद होता है बेहद खास, सिलबट्टे पर पीसकर बनता है पिस्यु लूण
Out Of StockFruits & Herb
Bedu Fruit, Timla (BUY 200gm) ORGANIC | उत्तराखंड से डिलीवरी
No any chemical or pesticide, this Organic Bedu (Timla) Fruit are sourced mainly from the high rises of Uttarakhand. Cure of Cancer is in Bedu (Timla) Fruit, and anyone can eat this sweet fruit. Bedu jam, juice, and chutney are available.
All fruits are available in selected locations and seasons. Please call or email before order or for more details if the product is not available.
SKU: n/a -
Out Of StockFruits & Herb
Ghingaru Fruit (200gm) ORGANIC
It has been used for cardiac failure, myocardial weakness, paroxysmal tachycardia, hypertension, arteriosclerosis and Burgor’s disease. The anti-oxidants present in the fruits are helpful in reducing the ill-effects of free-radicals in our body, maintain blood-pressure and reduce cholesterol. The leaves are used in the preparation of herbal tea, sun burn creams and many facial creams.
All fruits are available in selected location. Please call or email before order or for more details.
SKU: n/a -
Out Of StockFruits & Herb
kafal fruit (500gm) ORGANIC ✅
आयुर्वेद में काफल को भूख की अचूक दवा बताया गया है। साथ ही मधुमेह रोगियों के लिए भी यह रामबाण बताया गया है। इसके फलों में एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट गुणों के होते हैं, जिनसे शरीर में ऑक्सीडेटिव तनाव कम होता है और दिल सहित कैंसर एवं स्ट्रोक के होने की संभावना कम हो जाती है। वहीं ये पेड़ अनेक प्राकृतिक औषधीय गुणों से भरपूर है। इसकी छाल जहां विभिन्न औषधियों में प्रयोग होती है।
All fruits are available in selected location. Please call or email before order or for more details.
SKU: n/a -
Out Of StockFruits & Herb
kilmora Fruit (200gm) ORGANIC ✅
Kilmora (Berberis asiatica) extracts showed potent antioxidant activity which is applied in both healthy medicine and food industry. This fruit is a good potential food supplement or cheaper alternative of commercial fruits across the hilly regions of Uttarakhand and other parts of India.
All fruits are available in selected location. Please call or email before order or for more details.
SKU: n/a -
Uttarakhand Sweets
Uttarakhand Sweets
Bal Mithai (500gm) From Uttarakhand
Unique Desi Ghee Bal Mithai from Uttarakhand. Sink your teeth into this stunning creation and you will go gaga for it. It is set up with unique desi ghee. The nuts in its structure and the little white sugar balls outwardly include a sensitive crunch and surface to this sweet and also loan unmistakable flavor and punch.
SKU: n/a -
Out Of StockUttarakhand Sweets
Singori Sweets (500gm) From Uttarakhand
Singori is an irritable sweet which is a claim to fame of Kumaon and is set up from Khoya and coconut. An extraordinary component of this sweet is requires a leaf named ‘Molu” which is found in the slopes of Uttarakhand. It is an unhealthy sweet. It is exceptionally amid celebrations yet accessible in significant markets in every one of the seasons of year.
SKU: n/a
Uttarakhand Special
Himalaya Uttarakhand Special
Black Tea Himalayan Tulsi (50gm)
Black Tea Himalayan Tulsi is a unique blend that combines the robust flavors of black tea with the aromatic and health-enhancing properties of Himalayan Tulsi, also known as holy basil.
Organic Himalayan Tulsi Tea from Munsiyari Uttarakhand.