Welcome to Organic Uttarakhand Himalaya foods store. Here you can purchase food products which is 100% natural and healthy for you. These are tasty as well as some are used for making Ayurvedic medicine also. We are giving you opportunity to order Organic Uttarakhand food products by online and you will receive these in your doorstep. Here you can find recipes and remedy for our all available products.
Buy Organic Uttarakhand foods Online, Recipe, Bhatt, Gahat, Madwa, Masoor etc. Categories
Buy Organic Uttarakhand foods Online, Recipe, Bhatt, Gahat, Madwa, Masoor etc.
Showing 1–24 of 79 results
Uttarakhand Sweets
Bal Mithai (500gm) From Uttarakhand
Unique Desi Ghee Bal Mithai from Uttarakhand. Sink your teeth into this stunning creation and you will go gaga for it. It is set up with unique desi ghee. The nuts in its structure and the little white sugar balls outwardly include a sensitive crunch and surface to this sweet and also loan unmistakable flavor and punch.
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Out Of StockFruits & Herb
Bedu Fruit, Timla (BUY 200gm) ORGANIC | उत्तराखंड से डिलीवरी
No any chemical or pesticide, this Organic Bedu (Timla) Fruit are sourced mainly from the high rises of Uttarakhand. Cure of Cancer is in Bedu (Timla) Fruit, and anyone can eat this sweet fruit. Bedu jam, juice, and chutney are available.
All fruits are available in selected locations and seasons. Please call or email before order or for more details if the product is not available.
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Himalaya Uttarakhand Special
Black Tea Himalayan Tulsi (50gm)
Black Tea Himalayan Tulsi is a unique blend that combines the robust flavors of black tea with the aromatic and health-enhancing properties of Himalayan Tulsi, also known as holy basil.
Organic Himalayan Tulsi Tea from Munsiyari Uttarakhand.
Pahari Dal
Gahat Dal (black 500gm) ORGANIC ✅
100% Natural and Organic Gahat Dal. It is widely known for its curative properties of treating gall bladder stones, kidney stones and maintaining renal health. No any chemical or pesticide, sourced mainly from the high rises of Uttarakhand.
Out Of StockFruits & Herb
Ghingaru Fruit (200gm) ORGANIC
It has been used for cardiac failure, myocardial weakness, paroxysmal tachycardia, hypertension, arteriosclerosis and Burgor’s disease. The anti-oxidants present in the fruits are helpful in reducing the ill-effects of free-radicals in our body, maintain blood-pressure and reduce cholesterol. The leaves are used in the preparation of herbal tea, sun burn creams and many facial creams.
All fruits are available in selected location. Please call or email before order or for more details.
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Out Of StockFruits & Herb
kafal fruit (500gm) ORGANIC ✅
आयुर्वेद में काफल को भूख की अचूक दवा बताया गया है। साथ ही मधुमेह रोगियों के लिए भी यह रामबाण बताया गया है। इसके फलों में एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट गुणों के होते हैं, जिनसे शरीर में ऑक्सीडेटिव तनाव कम होता है और दिल सहित कैंसर एवं स्ट्रोक के होने की संभावना कम हो जाती है। वहीं ये पेड़ अनेक प्राकृतिक औषधीय गुणों से भरपूर है। इसकी छाल जहां विभिन्न औषधियों में प्रयोग होती है।
All fruits are available in selected location. Please call or email before order or for more details.
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Out Of StockFruits & Herb
kilmora Fruit (200gm) ORGANIC ✅
Kilmora (Berberis asiatica) extracts showed potent antioxidant activity which is applied in both healthy medicine and food industry. This fruit is a good potential food supplement or cheaper alternative of commercial fruits across the hilly regions of Uttarakhand and other parts of India.
All fruits are available in selected location. Please call or email before order or for more details.
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Foodgrains & Oils
Madua Atta (500gm) ORGANIC
100% Natural and Organic Madwa Atta with high protein, controls diabetes, anti-cancer potential. Also known as Madua, Marua, Madwa, Mandwa, मडुआ ka atta.
Keeps you young, reduces “bad” cholesterol, and prevents cardiovascular disease. No chemical or pesticide, sourced mainly from the high rises of Uttarakhand.